'자선'에 대한 깊은 통찰이 담겨있는 글입니다. 정교회 예피파니 대주교님의 페이스북 포스팅(2019.12.9일자)에서 가져왔음을 밝힙니다.
"To be good is first of all to be yourself, to be human. The merciful Lord created us in His own image, and therefore the desire to do good, to be merciful, and to show love to our fellow men is the fulfillment of our human purpose, the manifestation of our nature. That is why, when we do good deeds, we feel joy, harmony, true joy. No wonder scientists have proven that good deeds make people happier and even healthier. To do good, that is, to act for the benefit of others, is needed daily - this is an opportunity to realize love. Then each of us will experience significant changes, both within and around us. Kindness heals society: it unites people, gives them feelings of love and gratitude, gives sincere smiles and pure tears of joy, inspires the soul and inspires hope. True beneficence is selfless, it does not require any motives or rewards. Actually, the manifestation of kindness in itself is a reward for those who do it, because it brings to man true spiritual values that unite him to God, filling his soul with joy and love for his neighbor. Therefore, 'be merciful, as your Father is merciful' (Luke 6:36)."
- 정교회, 우크라이나의 예피파니 대주교 -